Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Overcome low self-esteem. Build confidence.

How can you overcome low Self Esteem? There's nothing more explanatory to this than: Self respect

Much like pride, but not really pride, It's certainly not coupled with arrogance if that's what you're thinking
 But rather, it is what seperates you from those who haven't attained Self-acceptance
 You won't give yourself due respect of you don't accept that;
"I am this and that and nothing is going to change that. I just need to improve myself more"
 Look at "being shy" as a sub topic
 I am not a scientist or anything and haven't conducted fieldwork questionnaires to realise that, being shy is an obvious sign of low Self-Esteem (self respect).

 If you are a shy person, It's because you have not realised your strengths, and your weaknesses will be capitalized on by people of higher Self-esteem.

 Look at the school playground,
A Bully might not always be bigger than everyother kid on the playground, but he knows something they don't, he knows what that crybaby does not know. He knows what the insecure child doesn't know,
 He's knows his strengths, which is,
"I am not a crybaby, they are, and always will be"
 This is why he's the bully of the playground, because he knows whenever he pushes the kids around, they'll always shove over.

 My friend, anyone can have high  self-esteem, one does not need to have a big physical appearance before society sees one as a person of high Self-esteem, but that's only when they accept that,

"This is my weakness, and I'll never let anyone use it against me. I'll build more on my strengths."

If you're the shy type, a common trait among the youth society,
Capitalize on your strengths and it shall help you overcome your nervousness.

I myself I'm  still shy of dancing in public, But as far as I'm concerned it's the only thing I am afraid of doing in public, I'm sure if I can only realise that am a greater dancer than the next guy, maybe then I'll be able to overcome my nervousness.

My friend, if only you can look deep inside of yourself and see how great you are in what you do best, maybe you'll stop letting a bully push you over and start doing things yourself.

 Believe it or not, The playground is not the only place that has bullies.
High self Esteem is very much attainable.

Thank you very much for reading

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